AquaTech Plumbing Simplifies Complex Scheduling and Enhances Collaboration with Buildplanner

Type: Plumbing contractor
Employees: 200
Location: United Kingdom

AquaTech Plumbing, a large plumbing contractor in the UK, was facing issues with complex scheduling and communication gaps within their expansive workforce.

With 200 employees and numerous ongoing projects, coordinating tasks and resources became a herculean task. emerged as the comprehensive solution that streamlined their scheduling process, fostered better communication, and allowed project managers to resolve over-allocations efficiently.

“With Buildplanner, I can schedule my team’s tasks for the week in just a few clicks. It has made life much easier,” says Sarah Williams, a Project Manager at AquaTech.

Introduction to the Company: Aquatech Plumbing

Type: Plumbing Contractor
Employees: 200
Location: United Kingdom

Based in London, AquaTech Plumbing specializes in both commercial and residential plumbing services. They’ve been a market leader for more than 15 years.

However, as they expanded, so did their challenges with scheduling, resource allocation, and real-time communication.

“The project cards are a brilliant feature. I can instantly access drawings, checklists, and other important information right from my phone,” states Mark Davis, an Aquatech plumber.

Challenges they had

The major issues facing Aquatech Plumbing were:

  1. Complex Scheduling: With multiple project managers and teams, it was hard to coordinate effectively.

  2. Over-Allocations: There were frequent instances of resource over-allocations that required ad-hoc resolution.

  3. Limited Collaboration: Employees lacked real-time updates on project changes, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

The goals with a construction scheduling tool

Aquatech wanted a easy tool with minimal implementation and aimed to:

  1. Streamline the scheduling of projects and tasks.
  2. Enable effective resource allocation and re-allocation.
  3. Enhance real-time collaboration between project managers and on-site employees.

Solution: addressed Aquatech’s needs perfectly:

  1. Fast to get started: Everyone got up and running within an hour after watching a quick video tour.

  2. Collaboration Features: Enabled sharing of schedules and project cards, making real-time updates seamless.

  3. Project Cards: Allowed the addition of drawings, checklists, and location information for each project.


After signing up for Buildplanner, Aquatech trained their project managers and on-site teams.

Within two weeks, the system was fully operational. Bi-weekly project managers now meet online to resolve over-allocations and make necessary adjustments to schedules.

“Since we implemented Buildplanner, our bi-weekly meetings are far more productive. We’ve managed to eliminate over-allocations altogether,” notes John Campbell, Operations Manager at AquaTech.


The adoption of by Aquatech Plumbing has resulted in a more organized, efficient, and collaborative work environment. The tool has not only simplified scheduling but has also resolved the persistent issue of over-allocations, allowing Aquatech to continue its growth without operational hiccups.

By embracing Buildplanner, Aquatech Plumbing has shown how digital transformation can offer practical solutions to challenges in the construction sector, enabling a large company to operate with the agility and coordination of a much smaller firm.

Join 10,000+ of professional construction teams who plan their projects and schedule their resources with Buildplanner.

Construction scheduling software